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Matthew 7:1-6 (sermon notes only)

“Speck Removal and its difficulties”

Matthew 7:1-6

QUICKLY placing this passage

Big Picture - Small / Detail - Big Picture w/ application

-In the BIG picture of the Bible

-Creation to New Creation (The Scriptures and the Story)

-In the New Testament

-Covenant to New Covenant (The Good News of the Kingdom)

-In two of 4 biblical gospels (parallel content in Luke 6:37-42)

-In Matthew’s ‘Sermon on the Mount’

-Humanity to New humanity (Jesus finally/fully reveals in resurrection)

-Jesus teaches/models New humanity

-Flow/Context – Jesus giving ‘new humanity’ teaching (with ‘authority’)

The passage…

NOT (1-2) God’s judgement methods are determined by ours…

+God’s judgements are ALWAYS just and perfect

+Instead is it OTHER’S judgement that will reflect yours…

+Those you ‘measure’ will ‘measure-back’ the same.

+‘judge’ also translated ‘condemn’

NOT (3-5) You have to be perfect to correct or warn anyone…

+It is about hypocritical judging, not judging/discernment/etc.

+“ensure your actions aren’t speaking so loud that they can’t hear your correction.”

NOT (6) Don’t give anything good to people who aren’t Christians…

+People who aren’t interested will rubbish your words

+Dogs/Swine – dog = gentile/enemy, pig = unclean

-(comm.) pig gives blank stare and tramples pearls

-(comm.) dog reacts to other dog – adversarial

Tips on speck removal

-Don’t do it if you can’t handle it yourself. (Don’t dish it out…)

-Wise people actually LOOK for correction (Prov. 9:8)

-Don’t offer advice you haven’t taken (practice what you preach…)

-Think about who you’re talking to. Will they listen?

The MAIN thrust… (looking on past the passage)

-The ‘summit’ of the sermon on the mount is 7:12.

-‘Law & Prophets’ = HUGE importance

-it’s the ‘do’ that matters.

-Hillel: What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbour: that is the whole Torah; all the rest of it is commentary (negative)

-7:24 ‘whoever hears these sayings of Mine and DOES them…’

BACK to the BIG picture…

It’s not just about avoiding unpleasant results, but (with God) co-creating good results. It’s about joining God in His work that He has prepared for us to do. New Creation work. Work of love, justice, grace, forgiveness and service.




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